If you've ever felt furious with a man because he just doesn't "get" why he's making you unhappy -- I can help.
Some men are actually, on purpose trying to hurt you -- because that's the only way they know to relate to a woman. But most men are just clueless. They really want to be with you.
Most men are lonely -- yes, they really are.
Most men feel awkward and less confident than you would imagine.
In fact -- most of the GOOD men out there lack confidence and feel awkward around women.
But they just cover it up with either an "I don't care" attitude, a determination to keep an emotional "distance" between you, or outright hostility!
It's amazing sometimes how far a man will go to protect his own heart. And nearly the worst thing we can do is to take what he does and says and close up our own hearts in response.
The secret of all my Rori Raye tools is that they instantly help you keep your heart and your "energy field" open -- no matter WHAT he's doing or saying!
If you trust YOURSELF with a man, he will trust YOU.
Now... this is very different from insisting that YOU trust HIM. And I know this is hard to get because trust seems like it has to be a given in a good relationship -- and it does. But it doesn't begin with you trusting him.
It begins with you trusting you.
It begins with a sense that no matter what he does or says -- you'll be okay. It begins with him getting that you will not tolerate bad behavior, garbage, mistreatment, neglect, or any form of abuse or disconnection.
And the REASON you can trust yourself not to tolerate bad behavior is just that...you trust yourself!
And then, it makes it possible for you to be yourself around him. You can be warm, open, loving and easy-going with him.
If you so completely respect and accept yourself - you'll automatically respect and accept him - exactly the way HE is.
And he instantly "gets" that you respect and accept him.
Your intention to be exactly who you are in his presence -- no matter what -- not only completely turns him on, it makes him feel manly and accepted and trusted all at the same time.
That's when you begin to trust him.
And that's how a great, deep, and connected relationship gets created.
So much of this depends on the words you use. They have to be not only respectful and communicate simply -- they have to be true!
Men are so used to hearing demands from women -- from their mothers, their teachers, and even the women around them at work. They're so used to this that they almost automatically shutdown and tune out whenever the sound of your voice or the content of your words triggers them in a way that feels like a demand.
YOU CAN BE AHEAD OF NEARLY EVERY OTHER WOMAN AROUND by learning how to put words together that are respectful, non-demanding and yet truly express what it is you want, what it is you need and what it is you feel -- in a way that makes his heart want to get closer to your heart.
My Love Adviser, Rori Raye
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