Whenever I find interesting articles like this one, I always wanted to share this to everyone especially to the group of TGIFoundYou! Now, you know if you have found your One True Love! (I added pictures of my choice!)
Article from Melissa Melms, Glamour magazine.
It's not always easy to tell the difference between lust, sexlove and true love. You know you have something special with your man, but you're still feeling things out and figuring out where you stand. But how do you know when it's truly true love? According to Madame Noire, there are 7 things you should be comfortable doing in front of your guy.
Every relationship differs, but being yourself ensures happiness on both ends. Sometimes that means showing your not-so-boyfriend-friendly side. And true love means finding a guy who is totally okay with (and sometimes even crazy about) that side. So, without further adieu, here are Madame Noire's compilation of things you should be able to do in front of a guy you truly love. Oh, and then there's how I'm making out in my relationship.
1. Getting mad (at him): "You shouldn't fear letting your man know when he's upset you…. That type of communication should make [you and your partner] closer." We rarely fight, but once a month, without fail, my inner lady-beast unleashes on the person closest to me: my lovahhhh. But J is seriously so good at putting up with my PMS mood swings that always wind up directed at him. Last week I got angry when he stood too close to me in the bathroom while I was blowdrying my hair (there is no rhyme or reason) and he knew just to walk away from the situation. He's even matured to the point where he knows that sometimes I just need to vent. So he doesn't argue back, he just listens. I can't ask for more than that.
2. Getting mad (at others): "It's healthy to be a bit of a crazy you-know-what sometimes, and you want a man that is not only okay with that, but finds it attractive that you don't let anyone step on you." J encourages me to be less of a push-over (especially at work when I tend to stand in a corner quivering in fear) and stand up for myself, even if that means turning into a not-so-nice version of myself. He's my biggest cheerleader (he has spirit fingers to prove it) and I feel braver pitching new ideas when I know J has my back.

5. Looking unkempt: "Men feel closer to a woman when they get to hang in bed with her, looking the way she only looks at home." Here at Glamour, we're always hearing that guys love girls when they're less done up. They prefer the jeans and tee look. That's guy pretty. But even I had a hard time letting my guard down with J in the beginning-I wanted to look as put-together and sexy as possible for him all the time. And then we moved in together. Now he comes home and finds me with my sweatpants and glasses on eating ice cream right out of the container…and he joins me.
6. Getting sick: "If you're going to spend your life with this person, they need to know that you are human." Let's see. There was that first weekend being sick at home together a few months back, the time I passed out in the shower during sexy time…and then there was last weekend when I drunkenly puked on his shoes. Can we all agree that I've crossed all my bases with this one? Sorry J, sorry.

Source: http://ph.she.yahoo.com/photos/7-signs-true-love-slideshow/